Frequently Asked Questions

What primary services do you offer?

Consultation on how to get you better from your head to your toes for muscles, nerves, bones, and joints and then educating you on how to put this all into one big picture to get your body working again. 

Do I need a physician referal?

No - as I am not practicing as your personal physical therapist. I am giving you years of experience on education on getting your life back on track. 

What are the rates of your services?

Cash-Based approach for a single 30 minute session so you get what you want at the amount that you want.
Initial Consultation: $60 (Formal PT evaluations can be charged as much as 300 dollars or more to your insurance company)
Follow up consultations: $45 (Formal PT visits can cost this much in co-pays alone not including paying towards your deductible or out-of-pocket max) 

Am I the right client for this?

* Have you ever been discharged from therapy and feel like you needed more but your insurance denied medical necessity? - Then YES
* Have you ever needed physical therapy but couldn't afford it - Then YES
* Is your pains and aches not quite bad enough to go to the doctor or a physical therapist formally? - Then YES
* Are you afraid to exercise because it causes too much pain - Then YES
* Have you watched all the videos and read all the books, but they aren't working - Then YES

     Honestly everyone and anyone can benefit from understanding how the body truly works. I always tell my patients that our bodies are the one thing we absolutely own but we don't come with a user manual - I'm your user manual. 

Are you licensed and insured?

Active PT licensure in the state of Missouri

What are your terms and conditions?

Pay per consultation and you put in the efforts to guidance given to get yourself better.